What are the problems that tend to occur when wallpaper is laid?

There are a variety of problems that often occur during the construction of wallpapers. If these minor problems are not noticed, there will be endless troubles in the future. Therefore, in order to avoid further rework, the construction must pay more attention and carefully check, today, Xiao Bian will share with you the problems that are likely to arise during the construction of the wallpaper. I hope you can help everyone!

First, not spend

When the wallpaper is misplaced during construction, check whether the construction method is correct or whether the wallpaper is not used before the wallpaper construction, or whether the paper is stretched or misaligned.

Second, color difference

Color difference occurs when the wallpaper construction, you should check the wallpaper type and batch number is consistent and then un-painted wallpaper tile color observation whether there is color (for flowers, the same direction), if there is a color difference should stop the construction. If the color of the wallpaper is different after construction, it should be the contrast of light or moisture.

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