1.Environmental protection is the primary condition for choosing wallpaper Wallpaper is divided into a variety of materials, in the family, try not to use pvc synthetic wallpaper, because pvc's environmental performance relative to the natural material of wood pulp wallpaper, wood fiber wallpaper, fabric wallpaper is poor, especially those who smell the smell of plastic wallpaper. 2. Can't just judge the quality of the wallpaper with the level of the price Now many wallpapers are extremely scary and even reach several hundred thousand yuan. Therefore, consumers are required to know more about the professional knowledge of selecting wallpapers. , Choose a truly high-quality, low-cost and reasonable wallpaper, especially to learn to identify the real wood fiber wallpaper, wood fiber wallpaper is the best in the wallpaper, with high environmental protection, high permeability, scrub resistance, color stability and many other advantages. 3. Consider the whole when choosing a wallpaper Maybe you will like the pattern and color of a certain wallpaper, but when it spreads over a large area, the effect may not be very good, or it may not be the same as the overall style of the room or the furniture. Therefore, the selection of the wallpaper should start from the whole. First determine your favorite style, and then proceed from the wallpaper's color, pattern, and characteristics, so that vary from person to person and from house to house. Generally, each room uses different colors and colors of wallpapers according to different functions. At the same time, it is necessary to get back light of 2 meters to find the feeling. 4. The specifications of the wallpaper are generally 0.53 meters in width and 10 meters in length. The actual number of rolls is 5.3 square meters. In the actual paste, the wallpaper will be 10% to 20% of the loss, the loss of large flowers wallpaper will be greater, so the consumption should be set aside in the purchase, while the construction technology of the wallpaper is more complex, be sure to find professional workers Come to paving. 5. Wallpaper pavement must use imported water-based green plastic. Because the glue is made from wheat and corn. Sweden's imports of PVP rubber, its environmental protection and viscosity are second to none. Furniture Brand Water Heater Brand Wallpaper Room Non-ferrous Metal,Titanium Alloy Wire,Alloys Titanium Bar Wanlei Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. , http://www.tjsteelpipes.com
Buy Wallpaper Tips
Nowadays, there are a large number of wallpapers on the market, and the quality varies greatly. We often do not know how many brands of wallpapers are in the end, and sometimes even the designer is not very clear about the wallpaper brand. Therefore, most consumers can only use the size and price of the store. Level to determine the level of wallpaper. In fact, consumers pay more attention to the following points when choosing wallpapers, and they will not have much problem.